And A Little Child … Mimi Edition • 25 years later.
It’s been a long
time since I’ve added to And A Little
Child, but I think it’s time to start the Mimi Edition • 25 years later.
That's What Love Does
Last week I got a
frantic call at 3am in the morning from my daughter, Courtney, now a mom
herself, that she, her husband Justin and oldest child, 2 ½ year old Carter,
were violently sick with the stomach virus. They also have an almost 1 year
old, Bennett, who had not yet succumbed to the Yuck monster. They were so sick,
they were not even able to take care of their children.
What do you do? You
put on your big girl pants and bravely walk into what you know what is almost
certain death (well, you feel like it, anyway), a gross, nasty, “yuck” infested
house. But, someone needed to take care of the babies while mom and dad spend
most of the night on the bathroom floor. And yes, Bennett joined in on the fun
early the next morning.
Of course, in less
than 24 hours, after getting them hydrated and after they were able to at least
take care of themselves and their the boys, Mimi was struck down, too. It was one
of those viruses that was so violent that you wouldn’t have been surprised to
see your shoes come out of your mouth!
I knew the odds going in. I knew it would not be pretty. I knew that I loved them enough that my getting sick was of least importance. I knew. I had to go. Love took me there. That’s what love does.
Then it hit me. Jesus. He knew He was coming to a gross, nasty, “yuck” infested world, but He did anyway. He knew the odds going in. He knew it would not be pretty. He loved us enough that taking on our sickness was of least importance. He knew. He had to come. Love brought Him here.
It takes my breath
away when He shows me in times like this in my own life that the love I have
for my own is not even a fraction of the love He has for us. I didn’t have to
die to help the ones I love. He did. That’s what love does.
May 19, 2017