Friday, October 23, 2009

You've Got To Get Up First

"... And God told Abram, 'Leave your own country behind you, and your own people, and go to the land I will guide you to ... So Abram departed as the Lord had instructed him..."
Genesis 12:1 & 4 TLB

Written 6/15/95
Courtney was lying on the floor watching cartoons when I heard a little "fit" being thrown. She yelled, "Mama, I need to wipe my nose!" I told her "Come here and I'll help you." She did not come but continued the little "fit." Finally I said, "I'll help you, but you've got to get up first!"

Sometimes we're just "lying on the floor" throwing a little "fit" about something we want God to help us with. It may be that we wants us to get up first before He will help us -- He may just want us to take the first step of obedience and then He'll do the rest.

So ... Get up!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


"... And while he was still a long distance away, his father saw him coming, and was filled with loving pity and ran and embraced him and kissed him."
Luke 15:20 TLB

Written 3/30/95

It was time for bed and, as usual, Courtney was not ready for that! Knowing if she didn't go to bed she would be "grouchy" the next morning, I took her to her room to put her pajamas on her. She was mad, to say the least, but I proceeded with my duties, got her ready for bed and told her I'd stay until she got sleepy, if she wanted me to. NO ... that wouldn't do at all! She turned her back to me and said, "GO!" I turned out the light and lay down beside her and she said again "GO!" So I did (knowing very well as soon as I did the crying would start). As soon as I got to my room the sobbing started. So, back I went to her room. She grabbed my neck and would not let go, sobbing. I stayed with her until she calmed down and got sleepy.

Isn't that us! God is trying to guide us or help us and we get mad and tell him to "GO!" He may say OK and let us have our own way. We may feel He has left us but He's "in the other room" listening for us, waiting for His child to call for Him. He's always right there, waiting to hold us and give us peace. We're His children even when we tell Him to "GO" and He's always there, waiting to hold us even in our rebellion.