Monday, February 22, 2010

Cover me up!

"He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge..."

Psalms 91:4 NIV

Written 7/14/95

Even if it's mid-summer, if Courtney is sleepy, she wants her blanket. In the mornings I wake her up and pick her up to carry to the living room (even though she's five). She immediately says to me "Cover me up!" and pulls the blanket up around her shoulders. The blanket has been hers since birth and I know it is a very comforting and secure feeling for her to be under it.

When we are in Christ, we are covered in His blood and because of this, we are covered with God's love and protection. All we have to do is ask him to cover us up! What a comforting and secure feeling!

footnote ... she still has what is left of that blankie! 2-2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It is So Boring in this House

"Commit your work to the Lord, then it will succeed."
Proverbs 16:3 TLB

Written 7/10/05

We had just gotten home from work and school. I was in the bedroom changing clothes so I could start supper. Courtney came in the bedroom with me and stated (or should I say whined) "It is so boring in the house!" I told her to get up and get busy. Go do something about it!

If we are bored in our Christian life, don't whine about it. Get up and get busy! Go to the nursing home, help the needy, volunteer to work around the church, keep the kids for an overworked mother, etc., etc., etc.! Do something about it!