When Courtney was 3 years old I starting writing down lessons God was teaching me through her. Now it's been over 25 years and I'm a Mimi to two wonderfully, wild, sweet, amazing boys. NOW it's time to start MIMI EDITION. When you have time, go back and read some of the original posts from Courtney's childhood. I'm looking forward to seeing what God has to teach me through the two boys!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I Can't Take My Eyes Off the Road!
Matthew 14:29-31 NASB
Written 2/2/95
Driving to school, Courtney (sitting beside me) said, "Mommy, look. Is there something on my chin?" I told her, "I can't take my eyes off the road, and we might run in the ditch and have a wreck!"
On our Christian road we can't take our eyes off Jesus or we will most certainly "run off the road" and "wreck" our lives. "Keep your eyes on Jesus" and you can't help buy stay "in the road!"
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Didn't I Tell You Not To Do That?
Jude 1:21 TLB
Written 1/27/95
I know Courtney sometimes thinks I'm just "blowing hot air" when I tell her not to do something. The truth is I'm trying to protect her. Just last night I told her not to take her juice out of the kitchen, but as children will do, she did it anyway. A few minutes later she came and told me "Mama, I'm afraid to tell you, but I spilled my juice on the carpet." I said, "Didn't I tell you not to do that, now you're in trouble.” Another time I had told her not to stand on the furniture, but of course, when I was out of the room, she and a friend tried running up and down on the couch. I heard a big "thump" and a loud "scream". She had flipped over, head first, onto the end table and into the floor. I told her the reason I had told her to stay off the furniture is so she wouldn't get hurt, not so she couldn't have fun.
God gives us rules to live by, not to just "blow hot air" but to protect us, to keep us from getting in trouble. He can see if we "run on the couch" we're going to fall or if we "take the juice out of the kitchen" we're going to get into trouble! When we do fall or get in trouble He will say, "Now didn't I tell you not to do that?" Let's remember that God's rules are not to keep us from having fun - they are to protect us!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Isn't This Exciting!
"As for me, my contentment is not in wealth but in seeing You ... And when I awake in heaven, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see you face to face."
Psalm 17:15 TLB
Written 1/27/05
A certain children's television celebrity was in town to meet the children and to sign autographs. Courtney wanted to go, so we took her. Courtney and I stood in line TWO HOURS to see the celebrity (it's amazing what a parent will do for their child, which is another lesson in itself!) We were almost up to the stage where the celebrity was and I said to her, "Isn't this exciting, but you know what's more exciting?" She said "What?" I said, "When we get to meet Jesus!" Her eyes grew wide; she smiled and said, "YEAH, I know!"
It's hard for me to understand how people can get so excited over celebrities here in this life. They'll wait for hours to see a celebrity, but make excuses for not going to church, worshipping, serving, reading God's Word, or seeking His will. If we are Christians, we are guaranteed that we will meet the greatest of all one day... Jesus! That should be enough to make a non-Christian want to be a Christian! Now that's exciting!