Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Because I'm the Mommy, that's Why!

"Obey God because you are His children ... "
I Peter 1:14 TLB

Written 8/11/93
Courtney is at that age (3) where everything you say to her comes back with the question "Why"? I try to answer the why quandary each time the best I can (if there is an answer). Sometimes, however, "why" is not what a Mommy wants to hear!

One day I told her to pick up all her toys, crayons, coloring books, etc., that were scattered all over the floor and she asked, you guessed it, "Why"? At first I told her because we want to be nice and neat. I guess that answer wasn't good enough, as she didn't clean up her mess. I told her again to pick up her things and again ... "Why?" Well, that was enough. I told her "Because I'm the Mommy, that's why and you are supposed to obey me!"

When God asks us to do something, we almost always ask Him "Why?" Sometimes He may give us an answer, sometimes not, or sometimes it's not the answer we want to hear, so we ask again "Why?" It's just like when we ask our children to do something, when God asks us to do something we, as His children, should just do it because we're supposed to. We must trust what He tells us to do and just do it because "He's the Father!"

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