Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Today is Courtney's 19th birthday! Can't believe it's been 15 years since I wrote down these little stories! She is still "Light of my life, my inspiration, God's precious gift." Happy Birthday, Courtney!

Someday I Will

"This plan of mine is not what you would work out, neither my thoughts the same as yours! For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours, and my thoughts than yours." Isaiah 55:8-9 TLB

Written 8/30/94
There are some things Courtney just can't understand at her age (4). I may try to explain, but she just can't grasp it, but someday she will, when she has matured into an adult.

There are things of God we can't understand. It may be we are not spiritually mature enough or it may be we can't understand until we are in our glorified bodies. Some things our mortal minds will never grasp, but, even if I don't understand now, someday I will!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I Was Wrong

"But if we confess our sins to Him, He can be depended on to forgive us and cleanse us from every wrong. [And it is perfectly proper for God to do this for us because Christ died to wash away our sins]"
I John 1:9 TLB

Written 8/3/94
Courtney and I got behind a large truck on the way to school one morning. She asked, "What kind of truck is that, a cow truck?" I said "No, it's a dump truck." We went back and forth, "It's a dump truck, no it's a cow truck, no it's a dump truck, no it's a cow truck." Finally the truck turned off the road and Courtney saw it was a dump truck! She looked at me, giggled and said, "I was wrong, it was a dump truck." It thrilled me that she admitted she was wrong and I told her it's O.K. to be wrong and admit it when you are.

God knows we are wrong about things and when we find out we are wrong He wants us to just tell Him "I was wrong." That thrills Him!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Just Tell Me What's the Matter

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" Phil 4:6-7 NIV

Written 8/3/94
Courtney was getting ready for bed and got in one of her "moods". She sat in the corner of her bed, arms crossed, bottom lip sticking out. I asked her "What's the matter?" No response, just a jerk of her little arm as she pulled away from me. I said, "Just tell what's the matter...If you don't tell me, I can't help you."

God, even though He knows what the matter is, He still wants us to come to Him and tell Him "what's the matter" and not pull away from Him. If we will come to Him, He will either help us out of our circumstance or give us peace in our circumstance. Even if I know "what's the matter" with Courtney, if she talks about it I can help her or talk it out so she will feel better.

So just tell God "what's the matter!"

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

She's Still Just a Child

"But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"
II Peter 3:18 NIV

Written 7/5/94

I sometimes forget Courtney is only 4 years old. She is very smart and articulate for a four year old. You can talk to her about concepts and she understands them. If she doesn't understand something, she asks what it means. But then ... if I don't give her something exactly when she wants it, here comes the screaming, the kicking, the crying ... the whole works. I have to stand back and say, "She's still just a child" and love her for all she is; a small four year old and maturing baby.

God loves His children the same way. We talk to Him, He explains things to us, and we feel so "mature" ... but then ... He doesn't give us what we want when we want it or things don't happen the way we think they should so ... here comes the screaming, the kicking, and the crying. He stands back and says, "You're still my child, I know you are trying to mature and I love you!"